Stop Worrying: How to Trust God to Care for the People You Love Most
Faith allowed you to ask. Work and action allowed you to have, to be, to do. Do, be, and have all you’ve ever dared ask Me for!
Faith allowed you to ask. Work and action allowed you to have, to be, to do. Do, be, and have all you’ve ever dared ask Me for!
When I listen, God speaks to my innermost being, to my interstitial spaces. When I obey and act by faith, God moves big and bold on my behalf.
The only way to truly do this wrong is to not do it at all. So here I am, taking my own advice—showing up, even if it’s imperfect. Because what’s the alternative? To keep my thoughts to myself, trapped by the idea that I need to fit into some imaginary mold? As my nephew used to say at the beautiful, ripe, polite age of 2, ‘No, thank you, please!’
How amazing it is that even as I sleep, God is restoring my body, renewing my mind, and whispering divine truths to my soul! Lord, teach me to trust You more deeply, more fully, more widely. Help me to rest in the peace of Your presence and to embrace the lessons You weave into my life, whether they come through moments of clarity or quiet reflection or loud clangs of cymbals.
It wasn’t until I got home and watched the time-lapse video that it hit me—much to my surprise, I was far more skeptical about doing new things than I had ever realized. Baby, I straight stared at these people while questioning my own ability to do something I hadn’t done before… Because I hadn’t done it before! I stood there, watching, unmoved.
Much like if someone were to write me a check for $1,000,000, if I never went to the bank to cash or deposit it, the gift is no good!
What I do with ALL God gives me is up to me! It’s up to me how I steward my time, my energy, my resources. So while I surrender ALL, I also need to accept ALL in return, too!
“Your will and mine be one,” I prayed! I didn’t know what I was praying for exactly, but I knew it’d be good. And yet again, here you are doing exceedingly and abundantly!”
Grief goes where I put it, just like anything else. When I set my water bottle or keys down and can’t find them later, they’re lost. But grief is different. Sometimes it’s exactly where I left it. Other times, I wonder, ‘Where did my grief go?’ and feel like I’ve lost it. So now, I choose where to place my grief.
The very thing that they said they would never do is actually the best thing that could happen to them. Have you ever wondered why it is that the things you said you would never do are the best things that have happened to you?
Boundaries aren’t about rejecting others but about inviting healthy, meaningful connections. They’re your protective forcefield, ensuring you and your spaces remain safe, healthy, and secure.